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Decode and Create Pix Payment by Pix Key



Initiate a new pix payment using a pix key. Enter the decode and pix payment's information in the request body and execute.


Header Parameters

    x-include-replay-protection-schema string

    The replay-protection-schema allows the user to choose between 3 options:

    • If there's no value: The default protection checks that the values in this request are equal: { method, params, path, query, body, userId }. This means that if a request repeats the same values, it will be blocked.
    • 'nonce': The nonce and { method, params, path, query, body, userId } value are checked. When the protection schema is this, requests will be OK if this nonce value is different in each request.
    • 'x-transaction-uuid': The transactionId and { method, params, path, query, body, userId } value are checked. Requests will be OK if this x-transaction-uuid value is different in each request.
    • 'x-transaction-uuid&nonce' or 'nonce&x-transaction-uuid': The nonce, transactionId value and { method, params, path, query, body, userId } are checked, i.e. if requests are repeated the same value in both fields, they will be blocked. But if any field has a different value, the request is OK.

    x-transaction-uuid stringrequired

    The transaction ID is a UUID (v4) used to uniquely identify the object that will be created. All objects must have an identifier.

    x-wallet-uuid string

    Sender Wallet UUID (if empty, your default Wallet UUID will be settled)

    nonce stringrequired

    The nonce ID is a UUID (v4) used to uniquely identify the request. All requests must have an identifier.

    x-lang string

    Possible values: [pt-BR, en-US]

    Indicates the preferred language. Defaults to Brazilian Portuguese if unspecified.

    x-product-uuid string

    The product ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify the product configuration.

    x-product-target-user-uuid string

    The product target user ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify what user account this request must be executed. Require: x-product-uuid.


    key stringrequired

    Pix key.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [CNPJ, CPF, PHONE, EMAIL, EVP]

    Pix Key state:

    • CPF: Key type CPF.
    • EVP: Key type EVP.
    • EMAIL: Key type EMAIL.
    • PHONE: Key type PHONE.
    • CNPJ: Key type CNPJ.

    value numberrequired

    Value in R$ cents.

    payment_date YYYY-MM-DD

    Payment date.

    description string

    User defined payment description.

    document_allowed string

    User defined allowed document.

    bank_allowlist string[]

    User defined bank allowlist.

    bank_blocklist string[]

    User defined bank blocklist.


Decoded Pix Key and Payment accomplished.

    decoded_pix_key object
    id stringrequired

    Unique decoded pix key UUID.

    type stringrequired

    Possible values: [CNPJ, CPF, PHONE, EMAIL, EVP]

    Pix Key state:

    • CPF: Key type CPF.
    • EVP: Key type EVP.
    • EMAIL: Key type EMAIL.
    • PHONE: Key type PHONE.
    • CNPJ: Key type CNPJ.

    person_type stringrequired

    Possible values: [NATURAL_PERSON, LEGAL_PERSON]

    key stringrequired

    Pix key.

    document stringrequired

    Owner document number.

    name stringrequired

    Owner name.

    trade_name string

    Company's trade name.

    end_to_end_id stringrequired
    ispb stringrequired

    Bank ISPB.

    bank_name stringrequired

    Bank name.

    payment object
    id stringrequired

    Payment UUID.

    operation_id string

    Operation UUID. Used to get receipt and track the transaction. This will not be returned if the payment has been scheduled.

    state stringrequired


    Payment state.

    value numberrequired

    Value in R$ cents.

    payment_date date-timenullable

    Schedule a day to execute payment. Use null to send payment right now.

    description stringnullable

    User defined payment description.

    created_at date-timerequired

    Payment created date.

    failed_code string


    Reason that decoded pix key is invalid. Check this field to know if decoded and payment are valid.
