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Download Onboarding Document File by ID



Initiate the download of an onboarding document file by providing its ID. If you haven't uploaded a file yet, use the appropriate endpoint to do so.


Path Parameters

    doc_id stringrequired

    Onboarding document file ID.

    id stringrequired

    Onboarding ID.

Header Parameters

    nonce stringrequired

    The nonce ID is a UUID (v4) used to uniquely identify the request. All requests must have an identifier.

    x-lang string

    Possible values: [pt-BR, en-US]

    Indicates the preferred language. Defaults to Brazilian Portuguese if unspecified.

    x-product-uuid string

    The product ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify the product configuration.

    x-product-target-user-uuid string

    The product target user ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify what user account this request must be executed. Require: x-product-uuid.


The file download returned successfully.
