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Get Quotation by Conversion ID



Retrieve the quotation related to a conversion by specifying its ID.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Conversion UUID.

Header Parameters

    nonce stringrequired

    The nonce ID is a UUID (v4) used to uniquely identify the request. All requests must have an identifier.

    x-lang string

    Possible values: [pt-BR, en-US]

    Indicates the preferred language. Defaults to Brazilian Portuguese if unspecified.

    x-product-uuid string

    The product ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify the product configuration.

    x-product-target-user-uuid string

    The product target user ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify what user account this request must be executed. Require: x-product-uuid.


Quotation returned successfully.

    id stringrequired

    Quotation ID.

    price_buy numberrequired

    Quotation price buy.

    price_sell numberrequired

    Quotation price sell.

    side stringrequired

    Possible values: [buy, sell]

    Quotation side.

    quote_amount_buy numberrequired

    Quotation quote amount buy.

    quote_amount_sell numberrequired

    Quotation quote amount sell.

    quote_currency_symbol stringrequired

    Quotation quote currency symbol.

    quote_currency_decimal numberrequired

    Quotation quote currency decimal.

    quote_currency_title stringrequired

    Quotation quote currency title.

    base_amount_buy numberrequired

    Quotation base amount buy.

    base_amount_sell numberrequired

    Quotation base amount sell.

    base_currency_symbol stringrequired

    Quotation base currency symbol.

    base_currency_decimal numberrequired

    Quotation base currency decimal.

    base_currency_title stringrequired

    Quotation base currency title.

    created_at date-time

    Quotation created at.
