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Update Wallet Name



Update the name of a wallet with a new one.


Path Parameters

    id stringrequired

    Wallet id.

Header Parameters

    x-include-replay-protection-schema string

    The replay-protection-schema allows the user to choose between 3 options:

    • If there's no value: The default protection checks that the values in this request are equal: { method, params, path, query, body, userId }. This means that if a request repeats the same values, it will be blocked.
    • 'nonce': The nonce and { method, params, path, query, body, userId } value are checked. When the protection schema is this, requests will be OK if this nonce value is different in each request.
    • 'x-transaction-uuid': The transactionId and { method, params, path, query, body, userId } value are checked. Requests will be OK if this x-transaction-uuid value is different in each request.
    • 'x-transaction-uuid&nonce' or 'nonce&x-transaction-uuid': The nonce, transactionId value and { method, params, path, query, body, userId } are checked, i.e. if requests are repeated the same value in both fields, they will be blocked. But if any field has a different value, the request is OK.

    nonce stringrequired

    The nonce ID is a UUID (v4) used to uniquely identify the request. All requests must have an identifier.

    x-lang string

    Possible values: [pt-BR, en-US]

    Indicates the preferred language. Defaults to Brazilian Portuguese if unspecified.

    x-product-uuid string

    The product ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify the product configuration.

    x-product-target-user-uuid string

    The product target user ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify what user account this request must be executed. Require: x-product-uuid.


    name stringrequired

    Wallet name.


The wallet updated successfully.

    id stringrequired

    Wallet id.

    name stringrequired

    Wallet name.

    default booleanrequired

    Wallet default flag.

    state stringrequired

    Possible values: [pending, active, deactivate, blocked]

    Wallet state.

    created_at date-timerequired

    Wallet created at.
