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API Responses

Our API responses use standard HTTP status codes.

In case of application error responses, the response body will contain the code and message fields, respectively specifying and detailing the error that occurred.

Below are listed the types of HTTP Status Codes, API Error Codes, and Data Validation Errors.

HTTP Status Codes

HTTP Status CodeDescription
100Continue, server is ready to receive request.
101Your TCP connection is about to be switched to a different protocol.
103Please perform initialization and/or preload resources for the server.
200Your request was successfully processed.
201Request created successfully.
202Your request was accepted.
203Unauthorized information.
204Your request was successful.
205Please reset document display.
206Your request was successfully processed, only part of the resource sent by the client was delivered.
300More than one representation for the requested resource was found.
301This and all future requests must be directed to the URL.
302Your request was redirected.
303Your request was redirected.
304Your request has not been modified.
307Requested resource was temporarily redirected.
308Requested resource has been permanently redirected.
400Your request could not be processed. Please check the data and try again.
401Access is denied.
402Payment failed.
403Access denied to requested resource. User may not have sufficient permission.
404Requested resource was not found.
405Unsupported method.
406Request not accepted.
407Proxy authentication required.
408Request timed out.
409Request could not be processed.
410Resource is no longer available on the origin server.
411The URI used in the request does not contain defined Content-Length.
412Access to the specified resource was denied.
413The request is larger than it can handle.
414The requested resource is larger than the supported size.
415This resource type is not supported.
416The URI used in the request does not contain the Content-Range with a satisfactory string.
417The request sent in the request failed.
422Request could not be processed.
425The server could not process this request.
426Upgrade Required. It is necessary to update the protocol to a new version.
428The origin server requires the request to be conditional.
429The app has been restricted and should not attempt to retry the request before a certain time interval.
431Processing was not performed due to the size of the header, please reduce the size and repeat the request.
451Error accessing illegal protocol.
500We are unable to process your request. Please try again in a moment.
501The requested feature has not been implemented.
502An invalid response was obtained.
503The service is temporarily unavailable for maintenance or is overloaded.
504The server did not receive a response in a timely manner to complete the request.
505The version used in the request is not supported.
506Internal configuration error. Endpoint not suitable for this process.
507The maximum storage quota has been reached.
508An infinite loop was detected while processing the request.
510The request received with the extension declaration is not supported by the server.
511You must authenticate to the network to proceed.
Request success to endpoint 'Create conversion'
"success": true,
"data": {
"id": "c63267ad-3f5c-487b-9f52-b73c9dd7a10d",
"operation_id": "295564a9-c5fd-4e73-9abb-72e0383f2dfb",
"created_at": "2023-06-07T14:15:35.133Z"
"error": null

API Error Codes

DEFAULTUnable to process your request. Please try again.
FORBIDDENAccess Denied.
UNAUTHORIZEDAccess is denied.
MISSING_DATARequired mandatory data: {}.
USER_NOT_FOUNDUser not found.
VALIDATIONEx.: The quotation_id value must be an UUID.
INVALID_FORMATCheck the data format {} and try again.
ONBOARDING_NOT_FOUNDOnboarding not found.
NOT_ENOUGH_FUNDSNo balance available.
NOT_ENOUGH_LIMITNo limit available.
CURRENCY_NOT_FOUNDCurrency not found. Please check and try again.
CURRENCY_NOT_ACTIVEInactive currency. Please check and try again.
WALLET_NOT_ACTIVEInactive wallet. Please check and try again.
WALLET_NOT_FOUNDWallet not found. Please check and try again.
WALLET_CANNOT_BE_DELETEDWallet cannot be deleted. Please check and try again.
WALLET_MAX_NUMBERMaximum number of wallets created.
WALLET_ACCOUNT_NOT_ACTIVEInactive account data. Please check and try again.
WALLET_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDAccount data not found. Please verify your registration and try again.
WALLET_ACCOUNT_HAS_BALANCEWallet account balance has some value. Please verify your wallet and try again.
DATA_INCONSISTENTIncorrect information. Please check and try again.
NOT_ENOUGH_AVAILABLE_LIMITInsufficient available limit.
OPERATION_BETWEEN_SAME_WALLETOperation performed between the same wallet. Please check and try again.
OPERATION_INVALID_STATEInvalid Operation. Please check and try again.
OPERATION_NOT_FOUNDOperation not found. Please check and try again.
OPERATION_NOT_REVERSIBLEThe operation is not reversible.
TRANSACTION_TYPE_NOT_ACTIVEThis transaction type is not active. Please check and try again.
TRANSACTION_TYPE_TAG_NOT_FOUNDThis transaction type is not allowed. Please check and try again.
VALUE_IS_ABOVE_MAX_AMOUNT_LIMITThe value is above the maximum limit. Please check and try again.
VALUE_IS_ABOVE_MIN_AMOUNT_LIMITThe value is below the minimum threshold. Please check and try again.
ORDER_QUANTITY_CURRENCY_NOT_FOUNDCurrency not found. Please check and try again.
ADDRESS_NOT_FOUNDAddress not found. Please check and try again.
NIGHTTIME_INTERVAL_INVALIDInvalid night time interval.
DAILY_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDDaily limit exceeded.
MONTHLY_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDMonthly limit exceeded.
YEARLY_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDYearly limit exceeded.
NIGHTLY_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDNightly limit exceeded.
REPLAYOur fault, but your operation may have completed! Please check your statement before trying again.
MAX_AMOUNT_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDLimit per operation exceeded.
MAX_AMOUNT_NIGHTLY_LIMIT_EXCEEDEDNightly limit per operation exceeded.
MIN_AMOUNT_LIMIT_BELOWMinimum limit not reached.
MIN_AMOUNT_NIGHTLY_LIMIT_BELOWMinimum night limit not reached.
VALUE_IS_ABOVE_MAX_AMOUNT_NIGHTLY_LIMITThe value is above the maximum night limit. Please check and try again.
VALUE_IS_UNDER_MIN_AMOUNT_NIGHTLY_LIMITThe value is below the minimum night limit. Please check and try again.
USER_LIMIT_NOT_FOUNDThe limit was not found.
QUOTATION_AMOUNT_UNDER_MIN_AMOUNTAmount is below the minimum threshold.
STREAM_QUOTATION_NOT_FOUNDCurrency for quote was not found.
QUOTATION_NOT_FOUNDQuote was not found. Please try again.
SPREAD_NOT_FOUNDSpread was not found. Please try again.
TAX_NOT_FOUNDTax was not found. Please try again.
CONVERSION_CREDIT_BALANCE_OVERFLOWThere is no credit available to perform this operation.
USER_WALLET_ALREADY_EXISTSUser is already associated to the wallet. Please check your data and try again.
USER_WALLET_NOT_FOUNDUser's association with the wallet is not found. Please check your data and try again.
WALLET_ACCOUNTS_NOT_FOUNDNo account details found. Please verify your registration and try again.
Example containing the code: QUOTATION_NOT_FOUND
"success": false,
"data": null,
"error": "USER",
"message": "Quote was not found. Please try again.",

Data Validation Errors

Validation TypesDescription
IS_UUIDThe {property} value must be an UUID.
IS_ENUMThe value {value} is not accepted in param {property}.
IS_BOOLEANThe value {property} should be a boolean.
IS_STRINGThe value {property} should be a string.
LENGTHThe {property} must be equal {value}.
MAX_LENGTHThe {constraints.maxLength}.
MIN_LENGTHThe {constraints.minLength}.
IS_NOT_EMPTYThe param value {property} cannot be empty.
IS_POSITIVEThe {property} must be a positive value.
IS_INTThe {property} must be a integer value.
IS_ARRAYThe {property} must be um array.
IS_DATE_STRINGThe {property} must be a string date.
IS_NUMBERThe {property} must be a number.
IS_DATEThe field {property} must be a date.
EQUALSThe param {property} is not the same as expected.
IS_DEFINEDThe field {property} was not informed.
ARRAY_MIN_SIZEThe {property} must be longer than or equal {constraints.minLength}.
IS_OBJECTThe field {property} must be an object.
MATCHESThe param value {property} wasn't informed according to expected mask.
IS_EMAILThe param value {property} must be an e-mail.
IS_PHONE_NUMBERThe param value {property} must be a phone number.
IS_NUMBER_STRINGThe param value {property} should contain only numbers.
IS_CPF_OR_CNPJThe param value {property} is not a valid document (CPF or CNPJ).
IS_LENGTHThe size of the field {property} wasn't the expected.
IS_ISO_STRING_DATE_FORMATThe field {property} has the wrong format.
IS_DATE_BEFORE_THANThe field {property} must be before the end date.
IS_DATE_AFTER_THANThe field {property} must be after the start date.
IS_DATE_AFTER_THAN_NOWThe field {property} must be after now date.
IS_INThe {property} value is not valid.
Example containing the code: VALIDATION
"success": false,
"data": null,
"error": "USER",
"message": "The quotation_id value must be an UUID.",
"code": "VALIDATION"