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Webhooks enable real-time communication by automatically sending HTTP requests when events occur. Unlike APIs that require polling, webhooks push data to a specified URL, improving efficiency. Common uses include payment processing, notifications, and automation.

The ZroBank API supports webhooks for various events, such as payment status updates, withdraws, refunds and KYC (Know Your Customer).

Webhooks URLs

All webhook URLs must be HTTPS and publicly accessible. The ZroBank API sends a POST request to the URL with a JSON payload (example below). These URLs must be provided to ZroBank Integration Team to enable the webhooks.

The URLs we need:

  • Payment Status Update: URL to receive payment status updates.
  • Withdraw: URL to receive withdraw events.
  • Refund: URL to receive refund events.
  • Returned Withdraw: URL to receive returned withdraw events.
  • KYC: URL to receive KYC events.

All URLs can be the same or different, depending on your requirements.

Webhook Security

By default, all webhooks are sent without any authentication. If you need to secure your webhooks, you can use the

OAuth2 Client Credentials Flow

If all the URLs provided are an authenticated URL, we support the OAuth2 Client Credentials flow for authentication.

  • You need to provide the client_id, client_secret and token endpoint (commonly /oauth/token) to the ZroBank Integration Team.
  • We will call the token endpoint to get the access token.
  • All the next webhooks will include the access token in the Authorization header.

You can read more about the OAuth2 Client Credentials flow here.

Webhook Payloads

This section provides examples of the latest webhook payload versions. If you are using an outdated version, we recommend updating or contacting our Support Team for assistance.

Transactional Webhooks

Transactional Webhooks notify merchants of payment-related events, including payments, withdrawals, and refunds. Below, you will find different webhook versions and their respective payload structures, along with a detailed explanation of each field.

"status": "paid",
"webhook_type": "transaction",
"transaction_uuid": "e2e30fe2-f7cf-4310-808e-faa60d70e9ee",
"description": "Payment Description",
"value": "1.16",
"payment_date": "2025-02-12T19:29:22.000000",
"end_to_end_id": "E26264220202502121929xKDMdFWi5Q5",
"merchant_id": "c50539dc-94de-495b-958a-324edf76b348",
"client": {
"name": "José da Silva",
"cpf_cnpj": "12345678900"
"payer": {
"name": "Maria Ferreira Da Silva",
"cpf_cnpj": "***004714**",
"bank_name": "Zro Pagamento S.A",
"bank_ispb": "26264220",
"paid_by_client": false,
"kyc": {
"ofLegalAge": true,
"birthdate": "1955-01-16T00:00:00",
"suspectedDeath": false,
"pep": null,
"age": 70
"receiver": null,
"refund": null,
"bank_account_data": {
"bank_name": "ZRO PAGAMENTOS S.A.",
"bank_ispb": "26264220",
"account_number": "56841",
"account_branch": "0001",
"account_type": "CACC"

Fields Description

FieldPossible Values/FormatDescription
status"paid", "failed"The status of the transaction.
webhook_type"transaction", "withdraw", "refund"The type of the webhook event.
transaction_uuidString (UUID format)A unique identifier for the transaction.
descriptionStringA description of the payment.
valueNumeric String (e.g., "10.75")The transaction amount in the respective currency.
payment_dateString (ISO 8601 format, e.g., "2023-01-01T12:11:39.090")The date and time when the payment was processed.
end_to_end_idString (alphanumeric)A unique identifier for tracking the transaction.
merchant_idStringA unique identifier passed by merchant to identify the transaction.
clientObjectThe client who generated the QR code, requested withdraw or received refund.
client.nameStringThe name of the client associated with the transaction.
client.cpf_cnpjNumeric String (CPF: 11 digits, CNPJ: 14 digits)The unmasked CPF or CNPJ of the client.
payer(nullable) ObjectThe payer's data. Null when the webhook_type is not transaction.
payer.nameStringThe name of the payer.
payer.cpf_cnpjString (CPF: 11 digits, CNPJ: 14 digits)The payer’s CPF or CNPJ. May be masked.
payer.bank_nameStringThe name of the payer’s bank.
payer.bank_ispbNumeric String (8-digit ISPB code)The ISPB (bank identifier) of the payer’s bank.
payer.paid_by_clientBoolean: true, falseIndicates if the payer is the client who generated the QR code.
payer.kycObject or Empty ObjectKYC (Know Your Customer) data for the payer. May be an empty object.
payer.kyc.ofLegalAge(nullable) BooleanIndicates if the client is of legal age.
payer.kyc.birthdate(nullable) String (ISO format)The client’s birth date.
payer.kyc.age(nullable) IntegerThe client’s age.
payer.kyc.pep(nullable) BooleanIndicates if the client is a PEP (Politically Exposed Person).
payer.kyc.suspectedDeath(nullable) BooleanIndicates if the client is suspected to have passed away.
receiver(nullable) ObjectThe receiver's data. Null when the webhook_type is not withdraw or refund.
receiver.nameStringThe name of the receiver.
receiver.cpf_cnpjNumeric String (CPF: 11 digits, CNPJ: 14 digits)The unmasked CPF or CNPJ of the receiver.
receiver.bank_nameStringThe name of the receiver’s bank.
receiver.bank_ispbNumeric String (8-digit ISPB code)The ISPB (bank identifier) of the receiver’s bank.
refund(nullable) ObjectRefund data. Null when the webhook_type is not refund.
refund.transaction_parent_uuidString (UUID format)The UUID of the original transaction if this is a refund.
refund.transaction_parent_merchant_idString (UUID format)The merchant ID of the original transaction if this is a refund.
bank_account_dataObjectPayer's bank account data.
bank_account_data.bank_nameStringThe name of the bank where the QR code was paid.
bank_account_data.bank_ispbNumeric String (8-digit ISPB code)The ISPB code of the bank.
bank_account_data.account_numberNumeric String (may be empty)The account number from which the payment originated.
bank_account_data.account_branchNumeric String (may be empty)The branch number of the payer’s bank account.
bank_account_data.account_type"CACC", "SVGS", "SLRY", "CASH", "TRAN", "TAXE", "OTHR" (may be empty)The type of account.

KYC Webhook

The KYC (Know Your Customer) Webhook provides real-time verification data for payers involved in transactions (when enabled). Below is the JSON payload structure returned by the webhook.

"name": "José da Silva",
"document": "12345678900",
"age": 54,
"ofLegalAge": true,
"suspectedDeath": false,
"pep": null,
"merchantId": "761f802a-1635-4b21-acd0-858277cc5c45",
"transactionUuid": "215e8f33-183f-4fd7-8ec1-346ca9999184"

Fields Description

FieldPossible Values/FormatDescription
nameStringFull name of the individual.
documentString Numbers OnlyIdentification document number (e.g., CPF in Brazil).
ageIntegerThe age of the individual.
ofLegalAgeBooleanIndicates whether the individual is of legal age (18 or older).
suspectedDeathBooleanIndicates if there is suspicion of the individual’s death.
pep(nullable) BooleanPolitically Exposed Person status; null if not applicable.
merchantIdString (UUID format)Unique identifier for the merchant.
transactionUuidString (UUID format)Unique identifier for the transaction.


It’s always a pleasure to help you! If you need assistance with the integration or have any questions, please feel free to use our documentation and do not hesitate to contact us.