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Generates a new dynamic QR Code



Generates a new dynamic QR Code.



    value doublerequired

    Value to be paid

    description description (string)required

    Description of the transaction

    client_name client_name (string)required

    Name of the person the charge is being designed to

    client_email client_email (string)

    Email of the person the charge is being designed to

    client_document client_document (string)required

    Document of the person the charge is being designed to

    merchant_id merchant_id (string)required

    Reference of the store that requests the QrCode

    expiration_date expiration_date (string)

    UTC date informing when the QrCode is going to expire

    client_bank_accounts object[]

    Bank accounts of the person the charge is being designed to

  • Array [
  • bank_ispb bank_ispb (string)required

    Possible values: >= 8 characters and <= 8 characters

    Bank ISPB

    account_number account_number (string)required

    Account Number

    account_branch account_branch (string)required

    Possible values: >= 4 characters and <= 4 characters

    Account Branch

  • ]


Successful operation

    code code (integer)

    Possible values: [200, 422, 404, 408, 500]

    Response code

    status status (string)

    Possible values: [pending, failed]

    Transaction status

    message message (string)

    Message about the request

    qr_code qr_code (string)

    PIX EMV QrCode

    transaction_uuid transaction_uuid (string)

    Reference of the QrCode for conciliation

    merchant_id merchant_id (string)required

    Reference of the store that requests the QrCode

    client_bank_accounts object[]

    Bank accounts of the person the charge is being designed to

  • Array [
  • ]