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Search withdrawal transaction by merchant ID



Returns the found withdrawal transaction data.


Path Parameters

    merchantId stringrequired

    Transaction's merchant id


Successful operation

    transaction_uuid transaction_uuid (string)

    Reference of the QrCode for conciliation

    status status (string)

    Possible values: [pending, paid, canceled, paid_by_third_party, failed, awaiting, payment rejected, paid_without_qrcode, refund_received]

    Transaction status

    transaction_type transaction_type (string)

    Possible values: [transaction, withdraw, refund]

    Transaction type

    value value (string)

    Value of the transaction

    client_document cpf_cnpj (string)

    Document of the person who paid or received (CPF or CNPJ)

    created_at created_at (string)

    Date when the transaction was created

    merchant_id merchant_id (string)

    Merchant's ID for conciliation

    costumer_name costumer_name (string)

    Costumer's name

    costumer_email costumer_email (string)

    Costumer's email

    end_to_end_id end_to_end_id (string)

    Transaction's pix end_to_end_id

    updated_at updated_at (string)

    Date when the transaction was last updated

    payment_date payment_date (string)

    Date when the transaction was confirmed as paid
