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Create new P2P transfer.



Transfer funds from one wallet to another within your organization (Master Account and Sub-account wallets are permitted). Insert the UUID of the wallet you want to send from under the header section (x-wallet-uuid). If you leave the x-wallet-uuid param empty, your default wallet will be settled. Enter the destination wallet and all transaction information on the request body below. Execute to conclude the transaction.


Header Parameters

    x-transaction-uuid stringrequired

    The transaction ID is a UUID (v4) used to uniquely identify the object that will be created. All objects must have an identifier.

    x-wallet-uuid string

    Sender Wallet UUID (if empty, your default Wallet UUID will be settled)

    nonce stringrequired

    The nonce ID is a UUID (v4) used to uniquely identify the requisition. All requisitions must have an identifier.


    destination_wallet_id string

    Destination wallet UUID.

    amount_currency stringrequired

    Transfer currency amount symbol.

    amount numberrequired

    Transfer amount in cents.

    fee numberrequired

    Transfer fee in cents.

    description string

    Transfer description.


Transfer response.

    id stringrequired

    Transfer UUID.

    operation_id stringrequired

    Transfer Operation UUID.

    amount_currency stringrequired

    Transfer currency amount.

    amount numberrequired

    Transfer amount in cents.

    fee numberrequired

    Transfer fee in cents.

    description stringnullable

    Transfer description.

    created_at date-timerequired

    Transfer created at.
