List Static QR Codes
Retrieve all static QR Codes associated with the user.
Query Parameters
Default value: 1
Page number.
Possible values: <= 100
Default value: 20
Page size. Max size is 100.
Possible values: [created_at
Page sort attribute.
Possible values: [asc
, desc
Default value: asc
Page order.
Header Parameters
The nonce ID is a UUID (v4) used to uniquely identify the request. All requests must have an identifier.
Possible values: [pt-BR
, en-US
Indicates the preferred language. Defaults to Brazilian Portuguese if unspecified.
The product ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify the product configuration.
The product target user ID is a UUID (v4) used to identify what user account this request must be executed. Require: x-product-uuid.
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 422
The static QR Codes returned successfully.
- application/json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Array [
- ]
Page number.
Page size.
Page total.
Total of elements.
data object[]required
Static QR Code data.
Static QR Code ID.
EMV code.
Associated key ID.
Value in R$ cents.
User defined payment ID.
User defined payment description.
Expiration date to pay static QR Code. Max date is 3 months ahead.
If it is true, static QR Code can be paid many times. When it is false, expiration date is required.
Possible values: [PENDING
Static QR Code state.
Static QR Code created at.
"page": 1,
"page_size": 20,
"page_total": 20,
"total": 100,
"data": [
"id": "f6e2e084-29b9-4935-a059-5473b13033aa",
"txid": "f6e2e084-29b9-4935-a059-5473b13033aa",
"emv": "f6e2e084-29b9-4935-a059-5473b13033aa",
"key_id": "f6e2e084-29b9-4935-a059-5473b13033aa",
"value": 1299,
"summary": "party-payment",
"description": "The party payment.",
"expiration_date": "2025-03-12T02:28:39.718Z",
"payable_many_times": true,
"state": "PENDING",
"created_at": "2025-03-12T02:28:39.719Z"
If any required params are missing or has invalid format or type.
User authentication failed.
If any required params are missing or has invalid format or type.